No this post is not about beautiful tropical places or exotic and unique locales or places of interest. Unless you consider the post office and the public library places of interest. Because that's what I'm talking about!
Besides my frequent visits to the post office, I also make frequent visits to the local public library. Why buy book or magazines or DVDs or CDs when you can borrow them? Saves me money and space in my kind of cramped apartment! (Of course, I end up using said saved money on clothes or shoes and shove them in my already tight closet in my lack of space in the apartment. But that's another story for another time.) And it also gives me a place to escape to during the work day. So yes, I heart the library. I've loved the library since I was a little girl...taking out many a Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley High book. :)
I also love that you can reserve everything online (up to 15 items!) and you receive an email (or you can just check your profile online) when they have arrived. Since there are two libraries close to my office, I just have them delivered to either one with no rhyme or reason simply other than it break up my routine. Plus, I also like the newer library better and going to BPC feels like I've drifted to another land, even though it's just a few blocks west.
I heart the library (oh did I say that already?) and will never go the e-book way.
Say no to Kindles! Say no to Nooks! Yes, it may make my bag lighter by going electronic instead of carrying a damn hardcover book, but then what will become of this fabulous institution? I will then never set foot into a library. Everything else is already accessible by the internet. It's not like kids go to the library after school to use the encylopedias for research anymore. (Apparently there is thing called Google. And Wikipedia. And Jeeves. Oh wait, does anyone ask jeeves anymore? Haha.) I want some things to remain the same. So I don't have to use a card catalog and Dewey decimal system to locate my book of choice (totally fine by me), but at least give me the physical item. I like to turn pages, to feel the paper between my hands, to see the weird people at the library. The library is a great resource and I will continue to patronize and love it with all my heart (lol).
Consider this a PSA. Support your local library.