Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Famous Last Words

Yesterday was just so gorgeous. I never got around to posting because by the time I got home, it was late and I just crashed right into bed. That and I may have had one too many cocktails.

Killing time before HH, reading a magazine and catching some rays.

Cool light reflection of glass panes onto wall. ROYGBIV!

"Let's meet after work for a drink." -me
Hours later..."I'll just have a glass of sangria." -me
As usual, my famous last words.

"Would you like another drink?" -waiter
"Um, ok. What are those girls over there drinking? It looks colorful and delicious. I'll have one please :) " -me

Once again, happy hour turns into happy-many-hours. And one drinks manifests into 3 (last drink not pictured 'cuz frankly I was getting my drinky drink on and who really cares about my night shot of a glass of sangria? Oh, and I was too lazy to "whip" out the phone that was already on the table), but good times were had and warm spring weather enjoyed. I love my famous last words. I know the moment it comes out of my mouth, I'll be hailing a taxi many hours later and thinking of McDonald's fries on the train ride home.

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