Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Funny 04.20

Ok, you must be wondering what's so funny about the above photo. Well, for one thing, they're no ordinary pair of shorts. Look closer. They are pick-pocket proof underwear. Yes, you read that correctly. And now you must be wondering why on earth I am posting this to my page and how I even came across this in the first place. Curious minds, I know. One night in bed, my sleepy-time ritual is to read the MSNBC app. They had this article about how to not get pick-pocketed (or something like that) while travelling. "Click." And then this funny article came up and I start laughing hysterically because of this part:
Pocket-enhanced panties and briefs are also offered byStash It Wear. “They come with a huge dedicated pocket that is easily accessible for placement of items or retrieval of items,” said company owner Philip Scott. “When properly worn and used they are pickpocket proof.”
Um, first of all, how would they be improperly worn?! They're underwear for goodness sake!! Do you wear your underwear over your pants? If you answer yes to that, then I am sorry, you deserve to be pick-pocketed!

Then they go further and show an instructional video on how these skivvies work (gosh so many things wrong with this idea). I NEARLY DIED. I cried hysterically for a good 10 minutes. I suggest you watch it. But not at work. People might look at you weirdly.

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