Day 4 of vacay-staycay (which is actually a Saturday, so it's just a weekend) meant stupid storms literally raining on our parade. But, I was able to find a sand dollar! And Sister and I pretended we were in London at the Olympics. Don't ask. Oh and why do I have chinese take out containers at the beach? Well, doesn't everyone bring their snacks (pretzels and cheez-its) in them?! No, you don't? I feel sorry for you.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Where Am I?
If you haven't gathered by now, I'm on vacay-staycay. 13 consecutive days of not going into the office!! Notice, I didn't say 13 consecutive days of no-work, because - ugh - I've been checking in daily and doing more than I should during my time "away", but whatever. So anyway, my blog posting will be sporadic but you can always follow me on Instagram (@heart_of_luv) for my silly-to-myself shenanigans. For instance...

Day 4 of vacay-staycay (which is actually a Saturday, so it's just a weekend) meant stupid storms literally raining on our parade. But, I was able to find a sand dollar! And Sister and I pretended we were in London at the Olympics. Don't ask. Oh and why do I have chinese take out containers at the beach? Well, doesn't everyone bring their snacks (pretzels and cheez-its) in them?! No, you don't? I feel sorry for you.
Day 4 of vacay-staycay (which is actually a Saturday, so it's just a weekend) meant stupid storms literally raining on our parade. But, I was able to find a sand dollar! And Sister and I pretended we were in London at the Olympics. Don't ask. Oh and why do I have chinese take out containers at the beach? Well, doesn't everyone bring their snacks (pretzels and cheez-its) in them?! No, you don't? I feel sorry for you.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Day 2 of vacay-staycay and also day 2 of boot camp aftermath. Needless to say, I didn't do much today. And I'm fine with that. (A) It was way too hot out for me today. (B) I'm on vacation. It's ok to be lazy. So the most productive thing I've done today, other than commute back in pain and heat to my apartment, is go out and grab breakfast.
Here's hoping for a less painful and a more productive tomorrow! Oh and the Olympics Opening Ceremony is tomorrow night. Anyone else as psyched as me?!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Vacay, Staycay.
People still call them stay-cations, right? Well vacay, stay-cay, I had an almost perfect day. Why almost perfect? Because for some reason I decided to start my day by taking a cardio bootcamp class this afternoon. OMFG. I'm still in pain. I am not cut for squats and lunges and dips and planks and whatever else this crazy sadist had in mind. Ok, he's not crazy or a sadist. The instructor was actually really nice and helpful, but this is clearly not meant for a beginner like me. I am a lazy ass bum who rather do Zumba or run the treadmill. But I don't do that either. I sit on my ass :) Anyway, even though I can barely climb stairs or bend, I can laugh at myself and the situation. And I'm proud that I even attempted it.
So minus that hiccup, the rest of Day 1 of vacation, was rather pleasant. I only had a few other things I wanted to do today: head home to SI, get a pedi, get rainbow cookies, and go to the Christmas Tree Shop. Check, check, check and check. It's little and simple things that make me happy.
So minus that hiccup, the rest of Day 1 of vacation, was rather pleasant. I only had a few other things I wanted to do today: head home to SI, get a pedi, get rainbow cookies, and go to the Christmas Tree Shop. Check, check, check and check. It's little and simple things that make me happy.
top left: me post cardio bootcamp || top right: tough choices in life
bottom left and right: Sister as squid (or calamari as she says) and a seahorse.
One of many reasons I will always love Staten Island...
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
That's right. Thanks god it's Tuesday. Because if you remember yesterday's post, today is my Friday! And so to celebrate, I had a cupcake. Ok, that's not really why I had one. I had one because I needed a mid-day snack and a co-worker brought it tons of cupcakes for no other reason than she can. I say it's a win-win.
If I Were...
...a color combo, I'd be pink and orange! Or specifically bright ass pink and coral. I've been wearing this color combo a lot this summer and yes, while it is shocking to the eyes, it is also fun and cheery and summery!
Inspiration: my OOTD
Other pink + orange loves:
Monday, July 23, 2012
Happy Monday!
This weekend proved that I'm getting old. Friday was stress reliever night, but even though I was out until 3ish AM *gasp!*, I still didn't feel like I let go of all the week's crap. And my late night shenanigans then resulted in my being absolutely and utterly unproductive on Saturday. Thankfully Sunday was a little better (I didn't spend my entire day in bed napping away my hangover.)

top left: being artsy while waiting for my cocktail
top right: a bleeding heart en route to La Linea (Yes, La Linea. Yes, it's not 2002. But hell yes did I have fun.)
bottom left: Saturday night = coupon clipping. (I was still recovering from Friday's antics.)
bottom right: Sunday relaxation at the park.
And that brings us up to today - Monday. I had to work hard at focusing and not procrastinating too much. At one point, something was stressing me out (surprise, surprise), so I brought out snack-time. And yes, those are pretzels in a ice cream container. Don't judge. :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday Funny 07.20
I think bulldogs are cute, but who on earth would buy this hideous thing for their home?! And look how much it costs!!
I would crack up if I saw this in someone's abode.
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
All day in the office. Away from the heat. Away from the big and crazy storms in the afternoon.
I avoid it all and walk home with the clearing skies above me.
Tonight we proof the frozen chocolate croissants from Trader Joe's.
(All the reviews I read are spot on! I'll eventually do my own too.)
As you can see, 2 hours after being taken out of the freezer they've already started to rise.
Tomorrow, they'll be even bigger!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Yesterday was a crappy day. Today was less crappy. Dare I say, it was actually better. Well, except for the fact that I had to unexpectedly be at work until 7pm. God people, so inconsiderate ;)
Anyway, despite that slight inconvenience, here are three things that are sure to me me smile.
Anyway, despite that slight inconvenience, here are three things that are sure to me me smile.
If I Were... amateur sewer, I would attempt these pretty (and seemingly simple) projects.
Tiered ruffled curtains
via pinterest - actual directions here
Scallop button up skirt
via BurdaStyle
Napkin folded pillowcases
via Martha Stewart (of course)
Simple Tote bag
via Growing Home
Monday, July 16, 2012
Mondays are the Worst Days.
Yes, I know I shouldn't complain when my normal commute of 20 minutes becomes 45 minutes, because that is still a short time when you consider that is door-to-door. However, I'm still going to complain because it's my blog and I can do whatever I want. :)
When you stumble onto the subway platform and it looks like the below, you can be certain that a long and bad day is ahead of you. And indeed did today suck. So much so that we're just going to leave it at that and pray Friday makes its way here sooner than later.

left: My normal train station at about 8:30am. With barely any room to move (and about a thousand degrees), I jumped on the train going the other direction. || right: The train station before mine. Just as crowded, if not worse, but at least it's above ground and I didn't have to get cranky in underground heat.
When you stumble onto the subway platform and it looks like the below, you can be certain that a long and bad day is ahead of you. And indeed did today suck. So much so that we're just going to leave it at that and pray Friday makes its way here sooner than later.

left: My normal train station at about 8:30am. With barely any room to move (and about a thousand degrees), I jumped on the train going the other direction. || right: The train station before mine. Just as crowded, if not worse, but at least it's above ground and I didn't have to get cranky in underground heat.
The Big Apple: #3
After brunch with friends on Saturday, I decided to seize the day since it was still early and cross something else off of my list. Sure it was hot and a tad humid (because once again we're converging on heatwave #4), but I figured I was already in the city so why not take advantage. So off I went to the High Line. FANTASTIC! I wish the skies weren't so overcast, but I still got some great shots. In fact, if you follow my Instagram (@heart_of_luv), you'll see just how many photos I took (and edited) on my handy dandy iPhone (god I love this thing!).
Here are just a few of my little adventure. Now we can cross #3 off my list! Only 30 more things to see and do!
Here are just a few of my little adventure. Now we can cross #3 off my list! Only 30 more things to see and do!
Weekend in Review: Love is All Around.
I'm a sucker for hearts. And I'm a hopeless romantic. So imagine my delight when I found love everywhere this weekend! Okay, so not the love in the form of a relationship, but love in the form of street art. (If I tried really hard, I could find a heart in anything abstract.)

left: art on a 'fridge (Creative Grove Friday's in Jersey City)
top: lady swimmer @ Spring & Lafayette
bottom: From the Highline, I spy the VanLeeuwen ice cream truck.

top left: Saturday Brunch! Stuffed french toast @ The Cupping Room Cafe
top right: L.O.V.E on Broome Street
bottom left: I spy a heart on 14th Street & 7th Avenue
bottom right: Sunday relaxation with a bowl of cherries
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Big Apple: #21
Remember this post? Well, a few days before blogging about it, I actually had already crossed out #21 on my list: visit the main NYPL. Aka - the one with the lions out front on 5th Avenue. Aka. - the Steven A. Schwarzman Building.
I went on a Sunday, which was nice because it wasn't so crowded, but the downside was that a lot of the rooms/exhibits were closed. All in all, a gorgeous building with great architectural detail and old New York history. Which of course makes for awesome Instagram opportunities.
I was also really excited to see the Doodle 4 Google exhibit. I took a lot of photos so I won't post them all (and also my camera ran out of memory so I didn't get to take as many I would have liked to) but here are some of my favorite. These kids are really super talented.
Friday, July 13, 2012
The Day Before Today.
Yesterday, at about 10am, I had a craving for mussels. (I also thought it was Bastille Day, which is why I thought of mussels. Bastille Day = French = moules frites = strong craving.) And so I had my heart set on having it for dinner. And I did. See below for pot of deliciousness.
After hours of laughter, good conversation, mussels and wine, I came home and just passed out. And that my friends, is what happened the day before today.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Every Day.
Every day I walk past the Post Office.
It used to be that every other day I went to the Post Office. For eBay.
But, well, as we all know, eBay is hating on me so I haven't sold anything in awhile to warrant a visit to the PO.
For the past week, I have walked past this planter every day. And every day it still says "Chalk Fades".
It only fades when it rains. And it hasn't rained in forever so I finally took a picture of it.
Holler! City of Squalor!
Can you guess where the title of this post is from? If you can, then you know why I didn't blog last night. I may have gotten a little distracted by a monkey, a bearded but bold Zach Galifinakis, and his wolf pack. Oops! (And yes, I'm only watching this movie now. I don't go to theaters all that often and I like to use the library for their resources.)
What I should have done last night, is post this. But if you follow me on Instagram (@heart_of_luv), then you didn't miss out on anything.
What I should have done last night, is post this. But if you follow me on Instagram (@heart_of_luv), then you didn't miss out on anything.
top row: old vintage sign on building on Church Street, the Balloon Saloon
bottom row: Peace & Love sidewalk art, Pearl Paint on Canal Street
bottom row: Peace & Love sidewalk art, Pearl Paint on Canal Street
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
If I Were...
...a theme, I would be nautical. Although, I cheat slightly because this post is inspired by yesterday's outfit. Anyway, my outfit didn't really scream nautical (there were no sailboats or boat shoes for that matter) but that's always what I think of when I wear some variation of the outfit.
Inspiration: yesterday's OOTD
Other [nautical] loves:
Monday, July 9, 2012
Nosy Mc-Nosester.
So I have this habit of adding "mc" to things. Of course, at the moment I cannot think of any examples other than Nosy McNosester, haha. Guess, we're just going to have to move along with this post.
I love, LOVE, Us Weekly's "What's In My Bag" feature. I love it in any blog, forum or magazine it appears in. The best one I've stumbled upon is the PurseForum's thread on "What's in my Rebecca Minkoff". I don't know if that's the actual title but it doesn't matter. It's thrilling. I may or may have not spent hours going through that particular thread. Call me Nosy McNosester. :)
And thus, for you other nosy people out there, I bring to you what's in my bag. (Or at least, in one of the two bags I carry to work every day.)

1, 2- Bag: Kate Spade for Strand Bookstore tote (thanks Sister)
3 - Inside: work IDs on Marc Jacobs keychain, three cows from Friday's outing to Cowgirl NYC (finding them still in the bag makes me laugh), Clinique Black Honey Lip Duo, a quarter, bobby pins, and my library loot of the day- Pitbull Rebelution CD, July issue of Vogue, November issue of Marie Claire
I love, LOVE, Us Weekly's "What's In My Bag" feature. I love it in any blog, forum or magazine it appears in. The best one I've stumbled upon is the PurseForum's thread on "What's in my Rebecca Minkoff". I don't know if that's the actual title but it doesn't matter. It's thrilling. I may or may have not spent hours going through that particular thread. Call me Nosy McNosester. :)
And thus, for you other nosy people out there, I bring to you what's in my bag. (Or at least, in one of the two bags I carry to work every day.)
1, 2- Bag: Kate Spade for Strand Bookstore tote (thanks Sister)
3 - Inside: work IDs on Marc Jacobs keychain, three cows from Friday's outing to Cowgirl NYC (finding them still in the bag makes me laugh), Clinique Black Honey Lip Duo, a quarter, bobby pins, and my library loot of the day- Pitbull Rebelution CD, July issue of Vogue, November issue of Marie Claire
Monday No Funday.
You know how there is Sunday Funday? And Saturday is just plain old fun because you don't have to go to work (if you work a traditional M-F, 9-5 job). Well, Monday is no funday. I think it's pretty self-explanatory why.
Anywhere here are some snapshots of Friday. Do you like my clever positioning of photos in the collage?
And then there was Saturday and Sunday, which basically was "do-anything-to-avoid-gross-heat-in-apartment" days.
Anywhere here are some snapshots of Friday. Do you like my clever positioning of photos in the collage?
And then there was Saturday and Sunday, which basically was "do-anything-to-avoid-gross-heat-in-apartment" days.
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