Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Non-Picture Post.

Yo, eBay. What are you such an ass? As each month goes by, you make it more and more difficult for me to sell my stuff. Yes, I've become addicted to selling my no-longer-worn clothes on eBay. It's been a habit/routine of mine for years. And even though you take a huge chunk of my measly sales monthly via your endless fees and through your cousin PayPal, I still listed my items through you. Now because some idiots decided to give me a low score because they can't read (or just some inconsiderate buyers refuse to leave me feedback, which we all know is another rant of mine) I am now limited to selling 10 items a month. Or $310.00 (what a crazy arbitrary amount!) worth of items. Whichever comes first. Why do you hate me so? You are SO NOT SELLER FRIENDLY. Buyers get away with such crap. It truly is unfair. I've been using your services since 2004 and now you are forcing me to look elsewhere. Because you suck. I could call you meaner things but I'll keep this G-rated.

So, I turn to my non-existant readers. Any other suggestions on where I can sell my items?


Marisa said...

Have a yard sale! What about a consignment store :)

Crystal said...

Consignment won't work since I sell cheapo brands. And a yard sale is too much work for me, lol.

dang34 said...

aww sorry to hear. and sorry I have no helpful feedback. My friend uses etsy but I guess that's only for stuff you make.