A post a day?! Guilt has set in. After talking so much about how I am bad at this blogging thing, and after thinking daily about my poor neglected blog but not actually doing anything about it, I am now getting organized. Okay, really the fact that I keep trying to take pictures as of late on my iPhone and it tells me there is no more space, is a sign from above (you know, the blog gods) that I need to get my blog, life, and phone in order :) I am a creature of routine. When life goes awry, it's because I've stopped being organized.
Day 1: Sunday, Jan 22
From Real Simple...and yes, each and every one is annoying. |
9/11 Memorial lights from above (which means I was at work on a Sunday). |
Day 2: Monday, Jan 23
Salad made with chicken, lettuce, craisins, and BACON. Delish! |
Day 3: Tuesday, Jan 24
I heart the library and I heart Po. |
Day 4: Wednesday, Jan 25
My 1st attempt at making pesto...fresh grated parm + parsley + sliced almonds + bunch of other stuff. |
Doesn't look very appetizing... |
...but it ended up being quite tasty! |
Day 5: Thursday, Jan 26
My evening snack. Don't worry, I didn't eat the whole bar that night. |
Day 6: Friday, Jan 27
Eerie looking sky...mind you it's about 3pm. |
Sister's ingenious way of drying her makeup brushes.
So crafty she is. |
Day 7: Saturday, Jan 28
Yay! I finally beat one of my younger cousins!
Clearly, I only take pictures of me winning Words with Friends :) |
Mom's surprise birthday party cake. |
The method to remove skin from peanuts....rub it between the palm of your hands.
(Good job, Sister.) |
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