A post a day - STILL! High five me!! And as of today, perhaps we will try something new. (And by we, I mean me.) Instead of capturing the week in review at the end of the week, I will attempt to post a picture or two daily. How hard can that be? (That was a rhetorical question. I know me. I'm setting myself up for failure.)
Day 1: Sunday, Jan 29
Only at HomeGoods...the super, oversized pillow pet... |
...and the larger than life ceramic roller skate. |
Fried eggplant, roasted peppers, mozz and prosciutto.
Be still my heart - I will always love Royal Crown. |
Day 2: Monday, Jan 30
Getting ready for the next day's post office run.
(Those blackouts make the picture look ugly but it's not nice to share ppl's personal information.) |
Day 3: Tuesday, Jan 31
The grossest super market in the world has new full-sized ads in their window.
I swear it's to cover up the %(@* renovation job that has all the food exposed to the elements. |
Day 4: Wednesday, Feb 1
First day of February means back to DD!
Good-bye daily Starbucks (you weren't that great anyway). |
New month also means new pretty calendar page. |
Day 5: Thursday, Feb 2
Love the architecture of these buildings on Spruce & Nassau Streets. |
Strawberries, kiwi and grapes. Next time, no grapes. |
Day 6: Friday, Feb 3
My my, Stuy Town, how you have changed. |
They have a study?! |
And on the other side a lounge?! |
Day 7: Saturday, Feb 4
Sister and I once again having fun at HomeGoods. |
Seriously, that spoon is huge. |
Sister's birthday creation for Mom. |
And a return trip to HomeGoods to find an even bigger spoon.
Seriously, what do people do with that?! |
PS - I am posting this while watching the Grammys. What an odd collection of performances. And by odd, I mean Chris Brown sucks and Nicki Minaj's show disturbed me. Reminded me a lot of Madonna and Lady Gaga but even so, I still think she went too far.
PPS - I forgot to add this picture to Day 7. This is what happens when you leave Sister unattended in a car with her new app...
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