Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New You (or Me).

Happy 2013! So I guess I've decided to continue to blog but not in the same exact fashion. I originally created this blog with the intention of making it a plog/p-log and I kept up with it for the most part. What I found difficult was posting an entry a day AND making sure it included a photo of the day. Way too much work for me ;) But like I said in my previous entry, I have discovered in the last 12 months that I enjoy taking [everyday] pictures. Photography alone was a nice creative outlet and I thought that this year I could put a slight spin on it + blogging. I've been seeing these photo-a-day challenges everywhere the last few months and have decided that I will try my best to take part in it.

And so, for 2013, this little blog will no longer be updated daily (because honestly I suck at that part of it; too much work) but I can certainly try a photo-a-day and Instagram that shit :) I'm addicted to Instagram so that should fulfill my 'daily-randomness' requirement, haha. If you don't have an Instagram account (what's wrong with you?!), I plan on keeping this blog alive at least weekly, and posting my snapshots in one shot. We'll see how that works. Until then, check out my inspiration for the month of January...Fat Mum Slim.