Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I am in full-on, cranky-pants mode. Chocolate will not help, but maybe because there is none around me at the moment. I hate the feeling of being cranky. It's funny, because I know when I am super cranky and there is nothing I can do about it other than recognize it and giggle at myself. I just can't seem to control my anger/frustration/moodiness at everyone and everything. Well, I can but that's because I have to. It's not like I can shove slow people out of my way, or throw books and plates against the wall or scream nonsense at strangers walking by. Or can I? Haha. If I could, my world would be a better place :)

Currently, I am hot and uncomfortable. My boots and socks are making me itchy and I'm afraid it will turn me into a crazy person. I'm also annoyed that I have nothing to photograph. I took a picture of something earlier but I might as well just insert this...
Maybe something will come to me between now and bedtime. Maybe it will be a picture of the plates in my apartment shattered into pieces from throwing them on the floor. (Do not judge me. I am not crazy for wanting to break something. Haven't you ever had the urge to break something because you know it will feel better?)

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