Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!? What's with the exclamation points you ask? Well, today is obviously Monday but tomorrow is my Friday. So for once, I don't mind today. Granted, I'll being doing some work over my 'vacation', but not having to physically go into the office for 13 days is quite nice.

This weekend proved that I'm getting old. Friday was stress reliever night, but even though I was out until 3ish AM *gasp!*, I still didn't feel like I let go of all the week's crap. And my late night shenanigans then resulted in my being absolutely and utterly unproductive on Saturday. Thankfully Sunday was a little better (I didn't spend my entire day in bed napping away my hangover.)

top left: being artsy while waiting for my cocktail
top right: a bleeding heart en route to La Linea (Yes, La Linea. Yes, it's not 2002. But hell yes did I have fun.)
bottom left: Saturday night = coupon clipping. (I was still recovering from Friday's antics.)
bottom right: Sunday relaxation at the park.

And that brings us up to today - Monday. I had to work hard at focusing and not procrastinating too much. At one point, something was stressing me out (surprise, surprise), so I brought out snack-time. And yes, those are pretzels in a ice cream container. Don't judge. :)

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