Thursday, August 16, 2012

Only the Loot Can Make Me Happy.

I love shopping. Yup, I do. Clearly, based on my posts from the last week alone, I am a shoe-aholic. But reality is, I'm a shopaholic. Remember I talked about my TOMS last week? Well, they finally came. I had to ask my landlord to leave the package at my door because I couldn't stand to wait another 12 hours for them. Oh, and did I mention I was coming home from shopping? I stopped by Forever 21 at the mall near me (which in my opinion is the best one ever because it's got a great selection, not too big in size but not too small either, and never as crowded as the locations in the city) to get these damn leggings I've been obsessing over, but of course they were not there. Instead, I ended up on an unexpected shopping spree.

Sadly, I think I have to return my kids TOMS because they're just a smidge too big and I know they're just going to stretch out further. Bummer. As for my Forever21 loot, I subscribed to the "get it while you see it" method. Because you know how it works in that store...just because it's there now, doesn't mean it will be a day later. Either it just disappears from every store altogether or the only size you find is one that you don't need. No time for second-guessing that piece of clothing. (Yes abstract leggings. I'm talking about you.)

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