Monday, August 20, 2012

This City Is My City - Part 2.

Yup, still singing the song. Although, I don't think it would have jived with yesterday's atmosphere.

Something I've been wanting to go to, and somehow always miss, is the Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governors Island. It's not on my list of NYC things to do, but I'm glad I made it yesterday! What a sight to be seen and I mean that in a good way. Some ladies and gents totally got in the spirit and got all decked out for the event. Which, of course, made for excellent picture taking, and fed my Instagram obsession. (So much so, that I am still editing photos and posting them on my account.) Despite it being overcast, the day spent on Governors Island was great! It wasn't hot or humid, and there was a nice breeze. Couple that with all the dapper and dashing people and jazz music, it was a rip roarin' great time ;)  Good way to spend a Sunday! (Except for the one ferry to shuttle the hundreds of people off the island at the end of the day. Let's not think about it anymore.)

Next year, I've really got to step up my fashion and picnic game. Check out the scene!

Naturally, there are a ton more on my Instagram account, so feel free to check out/follow me @heart_of_luv. Orrrr you can search #jazzage #jazzagelawnparty, #1920s. :)

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