Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things I Love.

Last week I wrote about places I love. This evening, I want to share with you one of the many things I love.

Yes, I love potatoes.
I love them in all forms - mashed, chips, fries, hash browns, boiled, baked, whatever.
I don't discriminate. 

One photo today. That's it. Busy day, dreary evening. Time to eat some chips and watch some quality television - Modern Family and Law & Order: SVU. Funny and even funnier programming ;)

Happy Leap Day!

Speaking of leaps, this cracked me up...

A US News and World Report published The Best Jobs of 2012. My job is ranked #16. (Yay?). This is my favorite part of the article and really does best describe my job...
What is a Meeting, Convention, and Event Planner Job Like?
"For 51 weeks, [event planning is] like building a bungee-jump tower out of toothpicks. Tedious and demanding," says Shea. "On week 52, you climb to the top and tie the bungee to your ankle and hope everything holds. Then you dust yourself off and start all over again."

Yup, accurate description. With the exception of the number of weeks - it varies. For me, sometimes I build my tower in 2 weeks and jump on week 3. Those are the worst kinds of towers :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Blues.

I had the day off yesterday which means I spent the day in comfortable clothing. But typically, on Mondays I have a uniform - all black! You know, I mourn for the start of another work week. That and it's the easiest to throw together when I can barely think.

So since today is my Monday, I of course went the all black route. Well, kinda of. More like black and white with a *pop* of color.

 Pair some butterflies with black pants...

..add a little jingle jangle....

...and some pretty (and super comfortable) eye-popping teal shoes!

Monday, February 27, 2012

There and Back.

Started my late morning saying good-bye to one train system...

...and three hours later, saying hello to another.

In between those three hours, I made one of my to-do lists.... a magazine...

 ...and played many many rounds of Words with Friends and Scramble with Friends.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar Sunday.

A mid-day walk to DC's Embassy Row. 

Mid-day treat!

Oscar night pizza "party".
I shall not further elaborate as this picture alone incites memories of anger (not on my behalf) and laughter.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lazy Saturday.

Street art in DC.

Brunch at Kafe Leopold (except for some reason, I keep calling it Kate Leopold).

I spy with my little eye...Nutcrackers in the window!

I would hate to live on that street. (And yes, it made me giggle like a 10yr old boy.)

Late night dinner in VA. Who knew that there was kick-ass Korean food in the DC area?!
Thank you, Yechon, for being open 24-hours.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Half post.

Trying to compose a post on an iPhone is quite the task. But I'm en route to DC on the "quiet" car so I thought I would start this post to (a) be productive (b) make sure I'm still posting a pic a day even if I am cheating since I haven't figured out how to post photos when in blogger on my phone and (c) cuz I can. So until I get to a proper computer, consider this post completed. Just imagine what my pictures look like :)

UPDATED 02.25 @ 10:10am: Imagine no more!

Rainy day attire.

My all-time favorite train station - Newark Penn.
I hope you sense the sarcasm. And don't let that picture fool you.
I took this standing by the information booth because that's where I feel safest among the tens of hobos and crazy people.

Halfway to DC!
(And I love me some bulldogs.)

Friday Funny 02.24

I like to find all my funnies on Pinterest.
Some may not find the below funny, but I think it's cute and giggle worthy, especially on this dreary Friday.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Three Thing Thursday.

 That tower sure rose up pretty quickly.

My mid-day snack. Funny, because I was just talking about these yesterday. 

My lovely sparkly shoes. Every time I look down on my feet, I have to giggle. They really are something.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Um, if this doesn't make you want to park in the lot, I don't know what will. I spotted this from a block away.
Was it the cut-out man? Was it the bright green sign? Was it the fact I couldn't make out the price even as I got closer?
I don't know, but this is just further proof why you should take detours home. And start a p-log.
Because you just never know what camera-worthy shot awaits you.

Places I Love.

No this post is not about beautiful tropical places or exotic and unique locales or places of interest. Unless you consider the post office and the public library places of interest. Because that's what I'm talking about!

Besides my frequent visits to the post office, I also make frequent visits to the local public library. Why buy book or magazines or DVDs or CDs when you can borrow them? Saves me money and space in my kind of cramped apartment! (Of course, I end up using said saved money on clothes or shoes and shove them in my already tight closet in my lack of space in the apartment. But that's another story for another time.) And it also gives me a place to escape to during the work day. So yes, I heart the library. I've loved the library since I was a little girl...taking out many a Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley High book.  :)

I also love that you can reserve everything online (up to 15 items!) and you receive an email (or you can just check your profile online) when they have arrived. Since there are two libraries close to my office, I just have them delivered to either one with no rhyme or reason simply other than it break up my routine. Plus, I also like the newer library better and going to BPC feels like I've drifted to another land, even though it's just a few blocks west.

I heart the library (oh did I say that already?) and will never go the e-book way. Say no to Kindles! Say no to Nooks! Yes, it may make my bag lighter by going electronic instead of carrying a damn hardcover book, but then what will become of this fabulous institution? I will then never set foot into a library. Everything else is already accessible by the internet. It's not like kids go to the library after school to use the encylopedias for research anymore. (Apparently there is thing called Google. And Wikipedia. And Jeeves. Oh wait, does anyone ask jeeves anymore? Haha.) I want some things to remain the same. So I don't have to use a card catalog and Dewey decimal system to locate my book of choice (totally fine by me), but at least give me the physical item. I like to turn pages, to feel the paper between my hands, to see the weird people at the library.   The library is a great resource and I will continue to patronize and love it with all my heart (lol).

Consider this a PSA. Support your local library.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Boot crazy.

No, that is not a clothing or shoe store. That is a my hallway. I clearly have a shoe problem. Or rather, a boot problem.
It doesn't fit in my closet (because, of course, there are more shoes and boots in there) and this is how to keep them organized.
Except all these feet get in my way and trip me from time to time.


I am in full-on, cranky-pants mode. Chocolate will not help, but maybe because there is none around me at the moment. I hate the feeling of being cranky. It's funny, because I know when I am super cranky and there is nothing I can do about it other than recognize it and giggle at myself. I just can't seem to control my anger/frustration/moodiness at everyone and everything. Well, I can but that's because I have to. It's not like I can shove slow people out of my way, or throw books and plates against the wall or scream nonsense at strangers walking by. Or can I? Haha. If I could, my world would be a better place :)

Currently, I am hot and uncomfortable. My boots and socks are making me itchy and I'm afraid it will turn me into a crazy person. I'm also annoyed that I have nothing to photograph. I took a picture of something earlier but I might as well just insert this...
Maybe something will come to me between now and bedtime. Maybe it will be a picture of the plates in my apartment shattered into pieces from throwing them on the floor. (Do not judge me. I am not crazy for wanting to break something. Haven't you ever had the urge to break something because you know it will feel better?)

Monday, February 20, 2012


Clearly needed to do laundry. But so did not happen.

The most productive thing I've done today is make my hard-boiled eggs for the week.

Oh, and I also prepped my next post office run.

Clearly, I did not use my day off very wisely. But you know what, who cares? It's nice to not always be "on". Being unproductive is productive in itself. Or so I tell myself, hehe.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Last week's word of the week was Instagram-ed. This week we start Funkified. What is Funkified? Taking pictures with another free app called BeFunkyFX.  Which really is just another Instagram because it offers many similar camera filters. This one has a few more, plus you have more framing options.

It's cool, it's free. What more can I ask for?

Bowl-o-meatballs. Yum. But I didn't make those.
Stage one of a hovercraft. Pretty cool kit for boys.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

We Are Family.

Another Saturday means another family party. And so here is the requisite baby shot.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

I've been so good this week - true to my word! A post a day and all the photos are Instagram-ed! I'm so proud of myself that I should buy myself a bag. Haha. I can't though. I already bought enough clothes today.

Mott St.

I still love this place.

Every time I see the court house, I think "dun dun" - Law & Order style, of course :)

Friday Funny

Hahahahah - Sister this is for you!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No energy.

I'm lucky my eyes are still open and my brain can still function to compose this post.

That's 4:31 AM folks. A freaking M.
And actually I was already up and showered by the time this went off.
I get paranoid I won't wake up on time so this was my back-up alarm.

Time stamp on phone: 6:08am. Hence, the tall double shot latte.
Thank goodness for the 5:30 Starbucks opening.
And the fact there is one a few blocks from the office. I didn't mind having to go out of my way.

Instagram-ed, but that is in fact the sun rising in the east.

And lastly, a much needed  2nd cup of coffee nearly twelve hours since I woke up.

Of course I'm still at work. Staring at the clock in hopes that when I put on my shoes (I long gave up on my heels) the client will be ready to leave and I can go home and sleep.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If today was your last day...

...then what it would look like? This is what mine would look like for a routine work day, but a humorous one. But the only reason I titled the post as such is because that's what was playing on my iPhone as I wrote this. Not because I like Nickleback. I just thought it fit.

My morning starts like this with to-do lists everywhere...

...and then suddenly I'm having serious conversations like this.
(I love me a mid-day laugh.)

Then I pause for lunch because I want a treat.
At first I gravitate towards the nice, plain, girly but sophisticated colors...

(Basecoat - Essie: fishnet stockings & Topcoat - Color Club - Art of Seduction) 
...and then, well, I end up with this.
Who doesn't like a little sparkle?! So what if it's not Christmas (I'm looking at you Sister).
(Sadly that picture is not as bright as my nails really are. They are bright and sparkly and I love it.)

And because I have to be up REALLY early tomorrow, my night consists of the above + some funny and no so funny tv.
Oh and maybe I napped. Totally shouldn't have considering that I should just be going to be early instead.

And lastly, there's a picture of my lovely salad spinner that we were so excited about earlier :).